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The professionalism and great experience of the wonderful people at Web Design Company have prefabricated getting a new design for me at a breeze. If there was anything I needed or had an opinion, they were ready to show me examples and get the job done just the way I desired it. I could not be any happier with the outcome I got from this company.

Mark Troston,Marketing Manager

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Know Us
19 Dec 2011
When actually Lord Rama Chandra came to Gaya to offer Pinda to his Father Dashratha?It is believed that Rama belonged to Treta Yuga,This yuga covered 12,96,000 mortal years. After Treta,came Dwapar yuga covering 8,64,000 mortal years.This is the kali yuga.The period is to cover another 4,32,000 mortal years.In such a situationRama came to Gaya for offering oblation to his deceased father more than 12 lakh years ago.And the PindDaan in GayaJi practice for the salvation of a soul was in vogue since long and still continues to be an integral part of Hindumythology.
About Gaya
19 Dec 2011
Gaya derives its name from the mythological demon Gayasur (which literally means Gaya the demon), demon (asur, a Sanskrit word) and Gaya. Lord Vishnu killed Gayasur, the holy demon by using the pressure of his foot over him. This incident transformed Gayasur into the series of rocky hills that make up the landscape of the Gaya city. Gaya was so holy that he had the power to absolve the sins of those who touched him or looked at him; after his death many people have flocked to Gaya to perform Shraddha sacrifices on his body to absolve the sins of their ancestors. Gods and goddesses had promised to live on Gayasur's body after he died, and the hilltop protuberances of Gaya are surmounted by temples to various gods and goddesses. These hilltop temples at Rama Shila, Mangla Gauri, Shringa Sthan and Brahmayoni are part of the pilgrimage circuit.
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